Minimal workarounds to support System.Web assumptions built in to Razor features such as Html.Raw(), automatic HTML encoding (eg @("<em>&</em>")), helpers andIHtmlString. Make the template inherit fromSystem.Web.Razor.CustomRazorTemplateBase` to get the features to work properly.

@* Generator: Template *@<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
@inherits System.Web.Razor.CustomRazorTemplateBase
@helper Embolden(string s) {
    var subtemplate = new Subtemplate();
<p>Escape plain at values: @("<em>not emphasised</em>")</p> 
<p>Html.Raw(): @Html.Raw("<em>emphasised</em>")</p>
<p>Embolden helper: @Embolden("emboldened")</p>


A protected instance of System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper is exposed in System.Web.Razor.CustomRazorTemplateBase as Html. The only method implemented is Raw() which just returns the input as a IHtmlString to avoid automatic HTML encoding.

To output raw HTML:


This could be used in a helper class to output a standard header:

public static class ReportHelpers
    public static IHtmlString GetStandardHeader(this HtmlHelper html)
        return html.Raw(new HeaderReport().TransformText());



This is used in the class generated from the Razor template to implement helpers.

