Either create a new library project or use an existing project. The report templates will be generated into .cs files via Razor. Install the RazorGenerator.Templating package. Add a report template to the project as a text file with an extension of .cshtml. In the file's properties, change Custom Tool to RazorGenerator. A barebones report template has this format:

@* Generator: Template *@<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE report [
        <pageSequence orientation="portrait">

The XML is a bit verbose because the converter uses the same XML to generate the output in several methods including XSL-FO to produce PDFs which needs data about the layout of the resulting document.

This markup is then parsed by one of the report converters (CsvReportConverter, HtmlReportConverter and `PdfReportConverter), using XSLT to transform the report into the output format.

The PdfReportConverter transforms the report markup into XSL-FO, which is then processed by Apache FOP (a Java library, converted to .NET using IKVM) into PDF in memory.